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Black Salve with DMSO

1/2 fl. oz. Jar
Plus a FREE jar of After Cream!

This product is enhanced with DMSO for deep penetration. This all natural herbal-based compound contains the following ingredients:  red clover, graviola, burdock root, chaparral, bloodroot, DMSO and zinc chloride.

Ingredients: Sanguinaria canadensis (bloodroot powder), Zinc chloride, Distilled water, Larrea tridentata (chaparral powder), Trifolium pratense (red clover powder), Arctium lappa (burdock root powder), Annona muricata (soursop powder), and DMSO.

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Price: $69.97
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164 Product Reviews - Average rating 5 / 5 (Show All)
The best money can buy
- 05/01/2024
I purchased this On the website as I can not buy this legally where I live. I have used BS in the past but this was first time using this brand.

I had a couple moles on my pelvic area that were getting bigger and small black specs on them as well as a large one on my lower back close to hip. I put on spots as I did before and let it work its magic. Ten days later they all came off and started the healing process.

One thing I did find was (I did think this product did give me a more of a burning sensation then the first salve I used). I'm not sure if that was the product or was the location I applied it to. Either way it worked 100% and I am a lifetime believer and purchaser of this product.

There shipping was fast and no issues at all. Pricing was fair and quality of product is grade A.

If you are thinking of using this for first time and reading this review don't hesitate and trust me you will want to buy this and use it. This is not a payed review or fake. It's a genuine review from a customread more
Phenomenal end result
- 01/06/2024
After picking at a small growth the size of a BB on my upper forehead for a year, I was introduced to your Black Salve and decided to give it a try, it burned a few days but after a month the scab came off with excellent results and now I’m applying the after care cream. I definitely will recommend your products.
Thank you so much Best On Earth.
Removed large growth
- 07/09/2023
I purchased this for a friend of mine that had a large black quarter sized growth on his head by his temple. it had been there growing for about a year. He put it on and within 6 months the growth fell off, it didn't even leave a scar. We feel if he had gone to a dermatologist they would have removed a large potion of the side of his head. He then used it on a spot on top of his head and it was gone within a month. Thank you for such awesome products.
This seems like the real deal..
- 02/10/2023
I used to purchase a product called compound X, I used it and it worked and I know it removed a few things that if left untreated,...Would have turned into a significant medical problem, This product here,,, Black Salve has all the right stuff,,, And the DSMO is a great add to penetrate and attack and help remove the mole or other skin problems,,
Spot on nose and cheek.
- 02/02/2023
My husband used it on his cheek when the Dr wanted to cut it out and leave a hole the size of a quarter. He used it and spot gone and very small scar. Also on his nose one treatment and gone in a few days
Been useing for over 25 years.
Great product
- 11/19/2022
This is a great product, I have used it on sun damage sites on my back and arms, side of my face / head,,, it does the job, just attacks abnormal cells, forms a escar and comes out, with minimal scars left.

Love it