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Black Salve Bloodroot Capsules

90 Capsule Bottle

Two Bottles - $36.99 Each!
Three or More Bottles - $33.66 Each!

Unlike most black salve capsules on the market, we do not include zinc chloride which is only necessary in topical black salves, not for oral consumption, because it will burn the tissues of the digestive system. This natural formula contains a 125mg herbal blend of graviola, burdock root, chaparral, bloodroot, as well as natural rice flour in a 500mg vegetarian capsule.  90 capsules per bottle.

 Remember, we use real plant compounds from the best sources on Earth in all our products, not synthetic chemicals that damage the body!


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Price: $41.97
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238 Product Reviews - Average rating 5 / 5 (Show All)
black salve bloodroot
- 03/06/2024
Wonderful product. I have been taking it for many years. I had MM twice before and no reoccurrence. I only need 2 caps a day. I weigh about 130 lbs. I have told so many friends about the product and they are taking it also.
Black Salve capsules
- 03/03/2024
A couple nights ago, I noticed my elderly cat wasn’t eating. It appeared she had oral pain. It’s been a little over a yr since her dental appt. Wasn’t sure if pain was from lymph nodes or oral. Because I’ve taken a bloodroot formula for spleen and oral for myself, I decided to try it on my cat (Boots). I started it 2 days ago. Instead of giving her a whole capsule, I emptied contents from capsule into #4 capsules(much smaller). So I gave her 2 sm capsules w/ bone broth at first. After 2sm capsules 3x the 1st day and in between the silver colloidal for pets, she was able to eat and open her mouth a little more.

Today, is the 3rd day of the same dosage and she is eating can food and she doesn’t seem to be in pain while I pop the sm capsules in her mouth. I’m also, still giving the silver colloidal for pets 2x a day. Thank you, BOE🙋🏻‍♀️
BSB capsules melted T. in my dog overnight
- 01/18/2024
I gave BSB capsules, 3 of them, to my dog that had Lymph C***** and the 'lumps' virtually disappeared overnight! We took him to a Vet a week later for an unrelated problem and she said she couldn't believe that he had LC because there were no lumps visible.
I don’t know
- 09/25/2023
I was having terrible kidney infections constantly, and having to go to the doctor and take anabiotic’s for a week. I have used the salve with great results so I decided to order these capsules. I started taking them, and since I have been taking them I have not had a kidney infection in 11 months. I just absolutely don’t know if it’s because of these capsules, but I am so thankful and I’m going to continue
Dog diagnosised w Cushing's disease
- 06/14/2023
My Lab mix was diagnosed w Cushing's disease caused by a tumor on his adrenal glands which may or may not have been cancerous. I gave started him on half a cap and built up from there. Only had to give him 3 or 4 caps bf observed bloodly stool and the vet's ultra sound found that the tumor was breaking up. Also put him on organic special diet and pure filtered water and in a few months his color was much better, weight was down and his titers were normal again. Thank you for such a great product.
Simply amazing
- 06/09/2023
I had C... in my pituitary, esophagus, breasts, lymph glands, ribs, and colon. 6 caps of this per day and hibiscus tea twice a day got rid of all of it. Not only that, it helped me get rid of toxins that my company poisoned me with. It is so wonderful to be healthy again. God is good.